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  • Report: 2013 Nagoya City Emergency Job Creation ProjectsCreative Industry Cooperative Promotion Projects

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Report: 2013 Nagoya City Emergency Job Creation Projects
Creative Industry Cooperative Promotion Projects

Dissemination of Industry Information

Creative Industry Exchange Events

Forum for the next generation of industrial exchange between Torino and Nagoya

Torino’s charm: twin city exchange between Torino and Nagoya

We held two events under the umbrella of Creative Industry Cooperative Promotion Projects: a Creative Industry Exchange event, including a forum and an exhibit, with the goal of sharing next-generation manufacturing information between Nagoya and its sister city of Torino; and a Creative Industry Information Dispatch Project, which included cooperative promotion and was designed to promote all manufacturing in the Nagoya area.

Primary project constituent: City of Nagoya
Planning and execution: International Design Center NAGOYA Inc.
Period: July 1, 2013-March 31, 2014

Dissemination of Industry Information

In order to disseminate information nationally and internationally about creative resources in the Nagoya region, we established the website, www.testidcn.com/linkshub_plus/en/. This site, with information about 52 companies, was created to support and promote the business activities of companies in the creative industries, including creators, manufacturers and distributors who want to plan new cooperative ventures like networking and product or market development.

LINKS HUB PLUS www.testidcn.com/linkshub_plus/ (Registered companies: 52)
LINKS HUB www.testidcn.com/linkshub/  
Design Office Portal-Site www.idcn-db.jp

Creative Industry Exchange Events
In May, 2005, Nagoya and Torino formed a sister-city relationship and from that point on have vigorously pursued a variety of exchanges, including those centered on design. During the year of “Italy in Japan 2013”, we received an official delegation headed by the mayor of Torino as well as a business delegation from Piedmont, and held both an exhibition and a forum.

Organizer: City of Nagoya
Planning and management: International Design Center NAGOYA, Inc.
Special cooperation: City of Torino, The Torino Chamber of Commerce and Industry, The Nagoya Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Nagoya Sister Cities Association
Supporters: Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade & Industry, METI, Aichi Prefecture, Council of Chubu Design Organizations, Consulate-General of Italy in Osaka, Embassy of Italy-Trade Promotion Office, Embassy of Italy-Tourism Promotion Office, Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan, Associazione Italo-Giapponese Di Nagoya

Forum for the next generation of industrial exchange between Torino and Nagoya
Under the theme of next-generation industry, we held a presentation of each city’s industrial strategy and examples of industrial developments. A mixer with the participants followed the forum.
(Forum: November 27, 2013 / Design Hall / 205)
(Reception: November 27, 2013 / Design Gallery / 110)

Opening remarks
Kawamura Takashi / Mayor of Nagoya
Kazuhide Fujita / Nagoya City Council
Part1: Torino Presentation

Piero Fassino / Mayor of Torino
Guido Bolatto / Secretary General, The Torino Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Giuseppe Donato / Representative, Piedmont Chamber of Commerce and Industry Trade Promotion Center
Tateo Uchida / FORUM
Part2: Nagoya Presentation
Strategy for the Next Generation: TOYOTA Partner Robot

Akifumi Tamaoki / Partner Robot Division, Toyota Motor Corporation
Forum for the next generation of industrial exchange between Torino and Nagoya

Torino’s charm: twin city exchange between Torino and Nagoya
We held an exhibition designed to introduce the appeal of Torino to a broad public. The display presented Torino’s fascination from a variety of angles, showcasing the city’s cutting-edge automotive and aerospace industries as well as tourist attractions like its art culture, history, nature and fine dining. The Nagoya-Torino sister-city exchanges were also covered.
(Exhibition: November 27-December 2, 2013 / Design Gallery / 504)
Torino’s charm: twin city exchange between Torino and Nagoya