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design support

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  • Design Support

Today design is expected to function as not only a product creation tool, but also a management resource that can, as represented by brand image strategy, succinctly express policies and ideas. Design is used for effective differentiation, strategic focus, and ingenious management solutions. IdcN is prepared to meet the wide variety of our clients’ requests by leveraging resources like design information and a workforce utilizing our national and international networks.

Design Planning and Production

IdcN’s mission includes planning and production of high-quality design. Our service ranges from the creation of tools such as posters and direct marketing to planning and the operational management of various kinds of events, including exhibitions and symposiums. We provide comprehensive support, from ideal to practical solutions, which fully satisfy our clients’ specific requirements. We’re also ready to accept requests for hosting visiting professionals such as advisors, lecturers, judges and commissioners.

  • Design Planning and Production
  • Design Free Consultation
  • City of Nagoya Design Utilization Support Program: Design Advice